Friday, July 10, 2020

More MCU's

I got delivered a small package from Hammy today, which included some nice 8751H mcu's inside!

Captain Silver (World)

The existing decap (i don't know who did it back then) was bad and had to be handcrafted to get the game working.

ROM_REGION( 0x1000, "mcu", 0 )    /* i8751 microcontroller */
// 017F: B4 4C 0D : cjne  a,#$4C,$018F   (ID code 0x4c = World version)
// 3 bytes (always bit 0x08 set incorrectly) had to be hand fixed, hence 'BAD_DUMP'
ROM_LOAD( "id8751h.mcu", 0x0000, 0x1000, BAD_DUMP CRC(c0266263)  
SHA1(27ac6fa4af7195f04249c04dec168ab82158704e) ) // dx-8.19a ?
Because of this, the dump was marked as "BAD_DUMP", so someone had to redump it. What i did today! The new dump matches the existing handcrafted dump...that way, the BAD_DUMP flag can now get removed!

Image Fight (World, revision A)

Another game, where we needed the mcu since years...done today!

This game is now completely preserved!

Thx to Hammy for these two mcu's! One is completely new, the other one confirms the handcrafted dump to be good.