Saturday, June 1, 2019

Super Cassette Vision (Multicarts)

Another pretty expensive system these days is the Super Cassette Vision. It again had no Flashcarts or Multicarts so far, so i got interested here again to make an easy solution for it.

The results are two Multicarts. One for the smaller games (8kb to 64kb) and one for the bigger games (128kb). With these two carts, you can play about 90% of all available games for this console. The other 10% (3 games) are using extra RAM inside their cartridges and this feature is not included in these Multicarts.

Here are the DIP-Sheets:


  1. Hi, may I ask why Pole Position II isn't included in the games list? It is one of the rarest and most expensive games for the console nowadays, it would be cool to have that one too

  2. Pole Position II is the only 128kb which needs extra RAM...and all ways i tried to map the RAM were not working. I would need a picture of the real game pcb (both sides) to see how the RAM is mapped for this game. afterwards it would most likely be easy to get also this game included.

  3. Can you make an Original Epoch Cassette Vision Multi-cart?

    1. short answer is no, as the carts use a uPD774 MCU and are even a nightmare to dump.
      Currently only one cartridge got visually (destructive method, where the chip get's opened and the DIE got photographed. Afterwards the bits get read by human eye and/or automatically with software) dumped.
      So basically nothing really is known about the uPD774 and so far it can't get dumped electronically.

      That means we have currently two big problems, which need to get resolved before someone could make a multicart for this system:
      - no dumps (except one game -> partially) are currently dumped
      - nothing really is known about the MCU inside the we don't know how to replicate it for a Multicart.

      Don't expect anything like this the next few years...

  4. Are these still available ? and if so how do i purchase ?

    1. I'm currently working on new revisions of all three Multicarts for the Super Cassette Vision.

      How to order/contact me:
      If you want to contact me, write an email to (remove all # from the address) with the words "[Contact TE]" in the message-header...

  5. Tried emailing this address with the # removed and no luck :/ is there a different one I can contact you on?
