Thursday, July 4, 2019

Super Cassette Vision (32kb+RAM Multicart)

The two already available Multicarts for the SCV can play all games, which do no need any additional RAM inside the cartridges.
Pop'n Chips in reality also needs extra RAM for saving the TOP-10 Highscore. On the available 27in1 cartridge you can play the game, but you get some garbage at the titlescreen and can't save the highscore.

Today i just finished the prototype cartridge for an 32kb+RAM Multicart! Which means, all three 32KB games (which need the extra RAM) are also now fully playable.

That bring's Super Basic, Dragon Slayer and Pop'n Chips to a fully working state! And best of all, each game has it's own RAM-Space.

Dragon Slayer

Super Basic

Pop & Chips on the 27in1 Multicart (garbage on the title screen, because of the missing RAM)

Pop & Chips on the new 32kb+RAM Multicart (with new/empty RAM)

Pop & Chips on the 32kb+RAM Multicart (with saved Highscore)

  • 32KB SRAM (usable as 4x 8KB)
  • ROM for 16x 32KB games (only 3 are used so far)
  • CR2032 battery for SRAM (cheapest and smallest solution)

The final cartridges will be ready in mid-august. I will update this post also with the final DIP-Switch sheet.


  1. Hello, how can I buy one when they will be ready? Looking forward to it!

    1. i will update this post, when they are ready.
      As with all other stuff here, just contact us with the contact form on the bottom of the first page of this blog. (only visible in the web verdion of this blog!!)

  2. how much and how do i go about ordering ?also how many games are on there..and what are they

  3. how much and how can i order one?

  4. Hello please im looking for to buy your everdrive super cassette vision???

  5. Please use the email-address on the bottom of the first blog-page. (Only visible in DESKTOP-MODE!!!)

  6. Replies
    1. just contact me by the email-address on the first blog-page...on the bottom
